as promised continue the pic just redeem my mp4 player. just got my posting very (SLACK) <- believe it or not i still cant believe it. i thought the 3rd day of bmt i already accept the fact that im combat fit and confirm is in infantry chiong sua until i die. so now is like a big turn over from army to naval? LOL no more CHIONG SUA, no more OUTFIELD, no more SOC, no more ROAD MARCH, no more CAMO wOOOOOTTT. this is HEAVEN. =D
Your vocation is
bascially job scope is see radar and zbl (zou bo lan) haha. seems like out of 100 people only 1 will tio nia and the lucky ass is me still cant believe it man, i think i cant sleep for the whole night liao this is as good as striking 4d.