suppose today was my last day @ work.. -.- but my boss want me to extend a few more day and prepare the new comer... so? all ask me why i leave and i say i going ns actually its on sept lol its better to leave now i believe... i'll just have to work 1 more week before i could leave this place.. =( really love the people there very nice especially all so friendly. =D aha and well i got my psp after some struggling, at first got some problem a dead pixel after the first day i try it out at my house after i return from the purchase shop. then i quickly call them to exchange they refuse to change but i insist tat i want to change because i still got 7 days warrantly. this is only the first day nia how can they dont change 1 back and give me. and for ur doubts why i only get 7days warrantly funnae right.. cos my psp is modifed so void the sony warrantly liao only get 7days warrantly from the shop yap -.-, ya only modified psp can play those so call "water game" or third party programme really awesome no nid to buy game one lOL .. and until now i still dunnoe why i wanna buy the psp, maybe becasue she was playing it lo -.-? but after all it's worth a deal the shop really keep up its good reputation and my trip on mrt will never be lonely again always sleep in the train so sian.. and well collect my diploma cert it was damn ugly i mean the design and they call themself a art school so disappointing wtf is tat man a 15k for such a ugly cert -_-.... well my wardrobe the cloths like cannot take it liao
mum: ur cloths those dont want one can u throw them away a not u can see the metal bar becoming a u shape liao bo.
i: wa lau u dont like tat ley u see, ur daughter one her one tat one then is call u shape ley my one still straight one ley wtf? -.-
mum: ur cloths no space to put liao la u better find a solution to urself ..
i: haha? -.-